
Entertainment was vital for the diggers as it was their time off from the goldfields. Diggers found many different ways of entertainment such as:

  • Some towns had bowling alleys which were long wooden planks with 9 bowling pins at the end and used large balls made of marble or rock.
  • The 'two-up' tradition began on the goldfields and diggers would play to gamble their money and possessions. A small wooden bat was used to flip up to coins placed on it. Gamblers would either call 'odds' or 'evens'. 'Odds' would win whenever a head and a tail came up and 'evens' would win whenever two heads or two tails would land on the ground.
  •  Some towns also featured a boxing saloon in 'grog tents' where diggers would come to have a drink and watch or compete in a boxing match.
  • Other goldfields also had their own theatre where travelling performers would come and visit and perform shows. 
  • Diggers would also seek prostitutes for entertainment.
  • Probably the biggest place for entertainment was the Eureka Hotel. One of the first and biggest hotels for diggers and authorities to drink and celebrate at. It was originally built as a place for diggers to have a drink but also tried to bring together the authorities and the diggers. The Eureka Hotel was owned by James Bentley who became very wealthy over the hotel.